Блог // andllyou //

Will we return to 2D?


We live in a three-dimensional world where each point can be defined by three axes (supplemented by time, the fourth dimension).
As soon as technology allowed for the design and presentation of projections of a real three-dimensional world, the perception of the content created has changed. Having transferred the momentum and benefits of volumetric interaction, technology has changed a heavy industry into light industry and simplified other areas of human life and activities. Having a 3-dimensional model of the product would you like to continue limiting yourself to 2D prototyping? I don’t think so.
After a walkthrough of the 3D streets in an unfamiliar city, museum, or exhibition would it be nice to add the possibilities of three-dimensional interaction to maps and descriptions for a reading experience, and volumetric images? I guess yes!

What is the advantage of virtual environment through the example of virtual showroom?
  • Enhanced presentation of the collection: multiple models in a view.
  • Ability to integrate multimedia data: hybrid representation of real and digital models, photos and videos.
  • Virtual product fitting: creating and changing the look.
Additional advantages include savings on rent and the construction of a showroom in the absence of one.
In our 3D showroom you can already take a tour and see the models in various colour presentations. In the future, the showroom will have a full-fledged shopping and virtual fitting module.

What is the advantage of virtual environment through the example of virtual showroom?
  • Enhanced presentation of the collection: multiple models in a view.
  • Ability to integrate multimedia data: hybrid representation of real and digital models, photos and videos.
  • Virtual product fitting: creating and changing the look.
Additional advantages include savings on rent and the construction of a showroom in the absence of one.
In our 3D showroom you can already take a tour and see the models in various colour presentations. In the future, the showroom will have a full-fledged shopping and virtual fitting module.

But it's linen, isn't it?! One needs to touch it, feel it, try it on and fall in love!
All our sewing products can be ordered with the option of fitting and return. Hopefully the return will be minimal thanks to modern visual aids!

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